7th Global Conference: CESGS Anugerahkan ESG Awards 2024 untuk Perusahaan Terbaik

By |August 12th, 2024|Categories: News|

Pada tanggal 6-8 Agustus 2024, Center for Environmental, Social, and Governance Studies (CESGS) berkesempatan untuk menjadi tuan rumah dalam acara 7th Global Conference: ESG Management & Sustainability. Acara ini tidak hanya menjadi wadah diskusi dan bertukar pikiran mengenai pentingnya ESG di kalangan akademisi dan praktisi dari berbagai negara, namun juga menjadi momen istimewa dengan diadakannya ESG Awards 2024 yang diberikan oleh CESGS.  Pada pemberian Awards ini, terdapat dua kategori utama yang dinilai, yaitu Top 3 ESG Reporting and Performance dan Top 3 Biodiversity Disclosure. Penilaian ini dilakukan dengan evaluasi yang cermat melalui penilaian empat tahap yang komprehensif di masing-masing kategori. 

Employee Carbon Offset: Indosat Ooredo0 Hutchison’s Efforts to Reduce Carbon Footprint

By |August 5th, 2024|Categories: News|

Company operations, both directly and indirectly, impact greenhouse gas emissions, affecting air quality and contributing to climate change. This impact ultimately affects communities and ecosystems. This makes it imperative for companies to take concrete steps in responding to the ongoing issue of climate change. Recognizing this, in 2023, PT Indosat Tbk has implemented various initiatives focused on reducing its carbon footprint, one of which is the Employee Carbon Offset. Employee Carbon Offset (ECO) is an IOH initiative that encourages its employees to reduce carbon emissions by calculating their carbon emissions from transportation usage and striving to reduce them. The ECO

PT. PP (Persero) Tbk: Strengthening Sustainability Efforts in the Construction Industry through the ESG Framework

By |August 5th, 2024|Categories: News|

The construction industry is one of the main pillars of Indonesia's economy, but its complexity and sustainability risks are also a concern. Amid this dynamic, PT PP (Persero) Tbk, one of the state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in the construction industry, is beginning to focus on its business sustainability. Driven by various factors, including increasingly stringent regulatory changes, PT PP (Persero) Tbk realizes the importance of considering sustainability aspects in every step of its business. PT PP (Persero) Tbk collaborated with the Center for Environmental, Social, and Governance Studies (CESGS) at Airlangga University to develop a comprehensive strategic framework and an action

PT TASPEN (Persero): Enhancing ESG Commitment with Updated Roadmap

By |August 5th, 2024|Categories: News|

Collaboration Between PT TASPEN (Persero) and CESGS Universitas Airlangga to Strengthen Company Sustainability Strategy Long-term business sustainability increasingly relies on the implementation of strong ESG practices. ESG not only serves as a key indicator in evaluating companies but also forms a critical foundation for building a solid reputation and gaining stakeholder trust. PT TASPEN (Persero), a company operating in the social insurance sector, has recognized the importance of integrating these aspects into its business operations. As a social insurance provider, the company has strived to ensure that its services continue to deliver benefits and have a positive impact on stakeholders

eFishery: Sustainable Innovation in Empowering Fishermen and Farmers

By |August 4th, 2024|Categories: News|

The demand for sustainability is not only the responsibility of public companies but also a principle that every company must uphold. Starting as a startup to solve social issues, eFishery has grown into a unicorn with a high awareness of sustainability. eFishery has focused on empowering fishermen and farmers in its business development. More than 200,000 fishermen and farmers have felt the positive impact of eFishery's presence. As a technology company in the agriculture sector, eFishery strives to create innovations and new solutions for its users, especially cultivators, in facing existing challenges. One such initiative is Kabayan, which helps cultivators

PLN Starts Green Hydrogen Production

By |August 4th, 2024|Categories: News|

The new green hydrogen plant, located at the Muara Karang Steam Gas Power Plant (PLTGU) in Jakarta, will produce about 51 tonnes of hydrogen per year. State-owned electricity company PLN has begun to produce green hydrogen, or hydrogen produced using renewable energy, at the first green hydrogen plant in the country, according to a press release issued by the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry on Monday. The facility is set to produce about 51 tonnes of hydrogen per year using 2,795-megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity generated using solar panels, according to the release, with the power provided by PLN Nusantara

International ESG Association (IESGA) unveils status of biodiversity conservation initiatives of top 200 companies by market capitalization in Korea

By |July 31st, 2024|Categories: Blog, News|

The International ESG Association presented the biodiversity conservation activities status of the top 200 companies by market capitalization in Korea Meeting Announcement CACTUS COMMUNICATION The recently co-organized 2023 Southeast ESG Forum provided a stage for a multitude of crucial dialogues and momentous events revolving around ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and sustainability issues. The commencement session of this year’s Southeast ESG Forum was opened by Prof. Jay Hyuk Rhee, President of the IESGA and Professor of Business Administration at Korea University. This was followed by an enriching keynote address by the 6 Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Global ESG Forum 2023 underscores biodiversity and ESG reporting as key drivers to sustainable development

By |July 31st, 2024|Categories: Blog, News|

Singapore, 11 August 2023 – The Global ESG Forum 2023, co- organised by the Centre for Governance and Sustainability (CGS) of National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School and the International ESG Association (IESGA), concluded successfully in Singapore. The event was attended by over 200 participants from the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Poland, India, Indonesia, Korea and Malaysia. The forum saw fruitful discussions on important sustainability topics, including sustainable plastic management, consumer-centric ESG practices, circular economy, voluntary carbon markets (VCMs), net-zero initiatives, and renewable energy. Biodiversity and nature positive reporting as the new

Indonesia all set to host “7th Global Conference: ESG Management & Sustainability in August 2024”

By |April 29th, 2024|Categories: News|

Climate change and its extreme impact threaten the world’s population, warranting an ‘all hands on the deck’ approach towards addressing this global crisis. Indonesia, a developing island country in Southeast Asia, is quite vulnerable to the harsh impacts of climate change, including rising temperatures, sea level rise, and frequently occurring extreme natural disasters. In fact, with about 60 percent of the country’s population residing in coastal areas, sea level rise imperils many Indonesian communities, with the possibility of flooding and inundation. These challenges, along with other environmental concerns, are further exacerbated by unsustainable business practices, thus impacting the country’s

8 Lembaga Siap Kawal Program Dekabornisasi di Sektor Konstruksi

By |February 6th, 2024|Categories: News|

Upaya pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca, khususnya karbon dioksida (CO2), atau dekarbonisasi di sektor konstruksi mulai kencang digaungkan. Sebagai langkah signifikan menuju masa depan yang lebih berkelanjutan, Forum QHSE BUMN Konstruksi bersama Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) serta beberapa universitas terkemuka,  menggelar diskusi tentang pendalaman di Gedung Summitmas Jakarta, Rabu (31/1/2024). Selain Forum QHSE BUMN dan JETRO, pertemuan ini dihadiri perwakilan dari CESGS (Center for Environmental, Social, Governance and Sustainability) Universitas Airlangga (Unair),  ITPB (Institut Teknologi Petroleum Balongan), Universitas Indonesia (UI), Adhi Karya, Nindya Karya, dan Waskita Karya. “Pertemuan strategis ini menjadi tonggak penting dalam upaya kolektif menuju dekarbonisasi. Pertemuan ini bukan hanya sekedar forum


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